Courses and prices

Cuban rueda courses

At Dame2Salsa we offer Cuban rueda (Cuban-style salsa danced in a group, or rueda de casino) classes for several levels over 3-month intensive periods. All classes are one hour and are held once a week. These cuban rueda classes are taught at Progreso Musical, very close to Argüelles metro in the center of Madrid. Instructions are given in Spanish, but English explanations can be given upon request.

Our 3-month courses (12 classes) average 36€ per month / 9€ per class*. If you sign up for two classes a week (24 classes), the price is 64€ per month, and if you sign up for three classes a week (36 classes) you instantly become a “Dame2Salsero Infinito” so you can sign up for as many groups as you want without any additional cost (limited only by availability and level).

*Even though we mention the average price per class, note that you cannot pay by the class, the minimum is one month. These prices are calculated by paying quarterly.

Bear in mind that, as we mentioned in “Our classes”, registration for our courses is closed most of the year. However, registration for the next course (September-December) is now open, so send us a message if you want to join. Remember that you do not need to sign up in pairs or couples, as we are the ones who organize the groups so they are balanced in terms of leaders/followers.

If you want to sign up or have any questions, please send us a message (WhatsApp or Messenger) using the Contact button on the bottom-right, or an email at loading...

This is the schedule for the next course:

Schedule Dame2Salsa Cuban Salsa in Madrid - Fall 2024

Dame2Salsa Rueda de Casino Levels


Group 1: Tuesdays @ 20h

Group 2: Wednesdays @ 20h

Cuban rueda Level 2

Group 1: Tuesdays @ 21h

Group 2: Thursdays @ 19h

Cuban rueda Level 3

Group 1: Thursdays @ 20h

Cuban rueda Level 4

Group 1: Wednesdays @ 21h

Group 2: Thursdays @21h

Cuban rueda Level 5

Group 1: Mondays @ 21h

Group 2: Fridays @ 20h

Cuban rueda Level 6

Group 1: Fridays @ 21h

Dame2Salsa Rueda de Casino Special Groups(?)

Rueda structures PLUS

Group 1: Mondays @ 20h

CaminaSwitch I

Group 1: Mondays @ 19h

Group 2: Fridays @ 19h

Groups with a *, if any: To be confirmed

We will open registration for additional levels if the aforementioned groups become full. Please remember our groups are small, so these new groups would need enough students signed up and a balanced number of leaders/followers. Therefore, if you want to join us but you can’t fit Dame2Salsa in your weekly schedule, contact us! We may be looking to open new groups and you could be the one who makes the group happen.

Making up classes: Students are allowed to make up one class per month, either in the same level (in courses with more than one group) or in a lower level (in courses with only one group). It is required to warn the teachers in advance about missing the class.

You can reserve your spot by contacting us at loading... or using the Contact button on the bottom-right of the page.

Which level am I?

As we have several levels, we are asked a lot which level you should join. This is a general idea about each level and who is it aimed for:

  • Level 1: From even the first class, we will dancing salsa and rueda. You will learn pasos like dame, dame 2, enchufla (and its variations), el 70, el 1, 2, 3, 4, croqueta, and many more. Join level 1 if you don’t know those pasos, if you have never danced salsa and/or if you have not danced rueda.
  • Level 2: Join this level if you have danced Cuban rueda and you are able to perform (lead if you dance as a leader, follow if you dance as a follower) the level 1 pasos, join level 2!
  • Level 3: If you have learnt a lot of Cuban rueda and are able to mix pasos arriba and abajo, in this level we start to focus in pasos with a lot of interaction between rueda dancers: tumba francesa, babosa, etc., and a particular emphasis in co-calling and pasos al centro.
  • Level 4: Perfecting Rueda moves, overall dance technique and partnerwork.
  • Level 5: Complex Cuban rueda transitions, moves led in an unusual way.
  • Level 6: Transition-oriented ruedas and moves.

Everybody can join level 1, but in order to join any other level, you need to be assigned to a group. We will get together, dance some rueda and we will tell you which group you should join. Use the Contact button on the bottom-right or send us an email at loading... to schedule a group allocation!

Rueda de Casino Special Groups?

At Dame2Salsa, we offer class groups of Cuban rueda where we cover techniques, figures, steps, musicality, and transitions in increasing difficulty, which we term as levels. However, we also have several special groups that, either due to their specific goals or content, deviate from these regular levels.

Rueda Structures

In Cuban Rueda or Rueda de Casino, the “normal” structure consists of a couples facing the center of the circle, changing partners clockwise or counterclockwise depending on what moves are called. But, in reality, this is just the tip of the iceberg for Rueda fans. Rueda structures change that basic concept. They introduce variations of shape (lines, crosses, concentric ruedas, ruedas made up of mini ruedas), new ways of changing partners, and even combinations of these variations.

To join the Rueda Structures class, it is necessary to have completed the Level 3 objectives.

Here’s an example of a Llanta workshop back from 2021:


In the CaminaSwitch course, there are many new things to learn:

  1. We switch styles, moving from the style known as ‘Cuban’ to the style known as ‘Caminando.’
  2. There are no fixed roles. Everyone will learn both roles.
  3. We use some rueda steps to switch between roles.

To join the CaminaSwitch class, it is necessary to have completed the Level 4 objectives.

To join the CaminaSwitch II class, it is necessary to have completed the CaminaSwitch I objectives.

Dance group: POWER 5

In the POWER 5 course, the main objective is to prepare you to become part of a rueda group. Variations of steps, choreographies, routines, and other exercises are taught, all with the aim of being able to participate in competitions, exhibitions, events, etc.

To join the Power 5 class, it is necessary to have completed the Level 5 objectives.

Other courses

From time to time, we do single-subject courses dedicated to other dances or a particular group of salsa moves. These courses are normally are shorter in duration (offered over a day or week) and we publish them on our social media: Facebook and Instagram.

Private classes or events

If you want to hire Dame2Salsa teachers for private classes or a private event, please contact us: loading...

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